Six Hajj pioneers pass on from heatstroke in Mecca, as temperatures head for 118 degrees Fahrenheit

Six individuals have passed on from heatstroke during the Hajj journey to Mecca, in the midst of admonitions from Saudi authorities that temperatures during the yearly assembling could arrive at…

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Weighty downpour and ‘perilous flooding’ hits Miami region and different pieces of South Florida

The Miami region faces hazardous flooding Wednesday as rehashed episodes of heavy downpour storm Florida, flooding roads and neighborhoods and abandoning explorers. A blaze flood crisis has been given through…

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BYD versus Huawei: Rubbish talking by China’s EV goliaths features pressures on the most fundamental level of world’s greatest vehicle market

As net revenues get pressed, temperatures are climbing on the planet's greatest vehicle market. A strained trade between two significant Chinese electric vehicle (EV) producers as of late features the…

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